Ours begin in 1959
Whaou, several years now that Daniel bought his first vineyards. At 30 years old he decided to take action. Working the land, he knew because he had been born inside, as for the wine passion, he had it for a long time. Once a week, he looked forward his oenology lessons while exploiting his vines. Optimist and ambitious, he took everybody in this new project: his wife Bernadette and his 3 children who joined the vines after school.
He enjoyed his job too much that he succeeds in sharing his passion to his son Hervé, who join him in 1983. If study wasn’t his cup of tea, for champagne that was different! With his youth and his new vision, he brought with him some evolutions in grape cultivation (grassing,…) and in champagne elaboration too (vinifcation in tanks, fragmented pressing, etc.)
In 2016, the adventure continues with Adeline who join the exploitation. Daniel’s granddaughter and Hervé’s niece, she grew up in the winery too and she’s determined to continue the Champagne Daniel Collin’s development!
the commercial
With her well marked character, Adeline is proud of her family stories and she's decided to continue its development. Always ready to share her passion, she welcome you at home for your visit and during the fairs !
Catherine and Nicolas
vineyards guardians
Cath and Nicolasare basically part of the family now ! They take care of the vineyards all along the year. And if during the winter they are the kings of shearings, during the low periods they become careful to dress the bottles.
the wine-maker
Hervé is « the big boss » (yes because he is very tall !). He already has new ideas and be ready to get on a new project, launch a cuvee... Sometimes we wonder where he find all these ideas ! Maybe during his runnings in vineyards...
the indispensable
Administrative doesn't scare her ! Untill manage traceability, stock, budgets, she always find a solution to answer your champagne orders even if sometimes she dreams of it...
Contact :
Champagne Daniel Collin - 3 rue Caye - 51270 BAYE
Tel : +33 (0)
e-mail: champ.collin0011@orange.fr